Getting accepted into a university is an incredible feat, especially if you manage to get into one of the prestigious, top-quality colleges. There is much to be proud of, but also a lot to work for – getting accepted is only the beginning of the university journey. Ahead of you is a few long years of hard work. College work is different to high school; it’s a step up, a progression, something a little more challenging for your independence. 


The workload is bigger, too. Because students are expected to be more independent, there is a larger focus on working outside of the classroom or lecture hall, and therefore university students can expect a high volume of work to complete. This, of course, includes essays, dissertations, and research papers. These kinds of work often take up significant portions of student time, and trying to juggle work set by different professors can become a challenging task. This is just one of the reasons students face so much pressure throughout college, and why people sometimes turn to college essay services for a helping hand. 

What Are Essay Services?
Essay services are paid services provided by various companies in order to help college students complete high-quality essays. The companies hire other university students, graduates or professional writers to ghost-write essays or dissertations. 

The process involves submitting a form describing the assignment that needs completing, how many pages it should be, and when it needs to be completed by. The writers usually work by finding something among the requests that suits their field of knowledge, and then complete a top-quality essay that matches the requirements set by a student. This service does require a fee, which may vary depending on the length and difficulty of the paper.

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Some students will request an essay of the highest standard, whereas others will specifically ask for a lower grade if they intend to submit the essay and do not want to raise suspicion.

Who Uses Essay Services?
Studies have shown that the most prestigious colleges tend to be the ones that request the most from essay services. Stanford, UCLA, Berkeley, NYU, Columbia, and other colleges of this standard are becoming known for their students’ use of essay services. 

Most often, essays, research papers, and MA thesis are the most requested services, because these are all lengthy projects that students may face more difficulties with. With regards to subjects, Business, English Language and Management courses are all in the top spots for degrees demanding the most from essay services. 

Why Use Essay Services?
The question of why people use essay services is highly-debated. From the perspective of the universities themselves, it is ethically wrong and on par with plagiarism. However, it must be noted that the content provided by essay services is actually one hundred per cent unique, well-researched and, usually, referenced in full. Therefore, it still qualifies as a full academic paper. But if it is so frowned upon by academic institutions, why do students choose to risk it and purchase these essay services?

A slightly more unique situation to consider here is the number of international students that universities now take on. International students do not always have the exceptional grasp of English that colleges – especially Ivy League and other prestigious ones – demand in their academic papers. For these students, who may very well have perfect knowledge of their chosen subject, might decide that essay services are appropriate for them simply because a ghost-writer can articulate things better.

In general, however, essay services are exceptionally useful for any student just because of the emotional strain that university puts on young people. Perhaps the increasing number of students using these services is testament to the damaged state of the education system. With so much pressure and workload from various professors, students turn to essay services just to cope with the sheer workload that is thrust upon them. 

Of course, then students with other situations can be considered. On top of the pressure that all college students face, some have part-time jobs, responsibilities at home (e.g. caring for a loved one), health problems or other personal struggles, which pile on top of the other problems they face. Custom writing is the perfect option for these students, who simply need a way out of the enormous pressure.

Can Students Handle Pressure without Essay Services?
Young people often face a lot of mental pressure, even outside of college. With the stress of education adding to all this, it can become extremely hard for students to cope if they don’t have any relief at all.

Obviously, the answer to this question very much depends on the individual student – some will be able to cope better than others, particularly if they are quite anal and wish to do all of their work themselves. However, as mentioned above, students face different circumstances in their lives, and any additional pressure can pose a dangerous risk to mental health. And so, essay services provide a welcome relief from that pressure.