7 Stress-Free Weight Loss Approaches
Source: UnsplashLet's face it: losing weight isn't a simple challenge to achieve overnight. It is among the most challenging undertakings for anyone.Weight loss is something that people all over the world are concerned about. The issue isn't that l...
Questions to Ask Before Buying a Weighted Blanket
Weighted blankets are gaining traction in recent times but they have been very much present earlier and were being used to help particularly special needs community. Weighted blankets are regarded as ground-breaking and innovative products for assis...
How to Eat 5 Small Meals a Day the Right Way
Many weight loss studies have suggested eating more small meals throughout the day is the smarter way to lose weight, due to the fact that by eating every couple of hours, you won't get to the point of starvation and overeat. But a new multi-univers...
Stock Up Your Pantry With These Fat-Fighting Ingredients
If you're keen on keeping your weight in check, then you might want to consider adding the following ingredients to your daily meals:Rice ProteinThis vegetarian protein powder is derived from brown rice. Works great as an alternative to whey and cas...
Here's Why Drinking Tea Is Great For Losing Weight
There have been plenty of studies concerning the major health benefits of the superdrink we all know as tea. And now, a new meta-analysis of studies has found even more reasons on why you should start sipping tea more often.The recent study support...
Over-The-Top Weight Loss Trends You Should Probably Skip
Sometimes, good old fashioned exercise or sport is better than any of these trends that pop up and go from time to time. Here are some of the over the top weight loss trends that have showed up over the years. Check it out: Dog YogaTreadmill bike Pr...
These People Were Once Fat. Now They're Super FIT!
All it takes is trying. And then, sticking to a routine. And never breaking it. Just believe in your effort, and it will pay off sooner than you think. Here's checking a whole bunch of people who decided to turn their lives around. Check out the gal...
This Woman's Journey To Losing Weight is Inspiring
Christine Carter decided to make a big change in her life via a physical transformation. She was overweight, and after a series of events in her life, she decided it was time to get her life back on track. Since 2014, she's lost 150 pounds. But th...
How to Lose Weight In 4-Steps
You don't need a 10-step program to lose all that weight. All you need is 4. Check it out below:
Should You Lift Weights With Your Vagina? This Video Says Yes.
There's even 10 reasons for you to do so as well. But will you even want to attempt it? Check out the video below:
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