Check out Lady Gaga, who's looking pretty good on the cover of Glamour magazine's Woman Of The Year issue.


In an interview conducted by Andy Cohen, Gaga talks frankly about topics ranging from her bizarre get-ups to beauty standards. Here's a particularly interesting excerpt from the feature:
AC: But do you consider yourself to be beautiful?

LG: Not conventionally beautiful. If there was some sort of mathematical equation for beauty, I don’t know if I would be the algorithm. I’ve always been OK with that. I’m not a supermodel. That’s not what I do. What I do is music. I want my fans to feel the way I do, to know what they have to offer is just as important, more important, than what’s happening on the outside.

AC: I think that’s interesting. Because every time I see a shot of you stripped down without makeup or a costume, I’m struck by your physical beauty. Your layering of costumes—is that because of insecurity? Are you afraid of what’s under all those layers?

LG: I would say that I am. Maybe it’s from the things I experienced in my past, you know? Being beautiful is not so fun when you’re in a business with all men.

AC: Right.

LG: Because it can actually get in the way. So in some ways, the outfits—these creations are because I don’t want to face the reality of what people want from a female pop star. Everybody always laughs because I feel so much more comfortable with, like, a giant paper bag on my whole body and paint on my face. Sometimes I try really hard to take it all off. But inevitably what’s underneath is still not a straight edge. And I don’t think it ever will be.
In the behind the scenes video, she goes a step further, saying. "I never felt beautiful on my own. Ever. It was always lipstick and wigs and clothing that helped me to find my sense of beauty. And I think that that's okay."
