Victoria's Secret Fashion Show Casting Sounds Super Intimidating

If you've never been to a casting, let us tell you that it can be demotivating, especially when you're surrounded by other talents who look just as good, or better than you. So we can only imagine what it's like to be at a Victoria's Secret Fashion Show model casting, surrounded by some of the world's top and highest-paid models.
British Vogue recently interviewed Sophia Neophitou-Apostolou, Victoria's Secret Fashion Show's creative director, who gives us an insight to the casting process:
"They are provisionally cast by John Pfeiffer but the final decision is made by the whole team, sitting at this long table in a room with really harsh lighting and they have to walk towards us and away from us. They all have to do it - even the contracted girls - and it's incredibly nerve-wracking for them."
But Neophitou-Apostolou says it's not about being thin. Not about being thin!?!? Say whuttt:
"It's about being show-ready," she tells Vogue. "It's really like being an Olympian - they have to be in peak condition. It's not about being thin or anything like that - it's about being ready to perform and be the best you can be in that moment."
That must be why the models go on crazy liquid diets and work out like Olympians weeks before show time. Even the "contracted girls" feel anxious before the show, and work twice as hard to achieve a runway-ready body for the lingerie company's annual show.
In other words, it's insane! You have to impress the casting team with your already hot body, killer runway walk, and game face. Then you have to hit the gym, eat an uber healthy diet, and make your already-hot-body even hotter in time for the show.
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