How Many Celebrities Can You Recognize in these Superimposed Classical Paintings?
Online contest site, Worth1000, encourages creative people to submit their best work from illustrations to graphic design. With "Modern Renaissance," they challenged their subscribers to superimpose faces of celebrities onto someone else's body from...
The Sad Truth Behind How Venezuela Grooms Their Beauty Queens Will Shock You [VIDEO]
Venezuela is known for killing it at beauty pageants, but have you ever wondered just how much work goes on behind the scenes? That's what this BBC special titled 'Secrets of South America: Extreme Beauty Queens' is attempting to find out.One part...
How To Remove A Ring Without Losing A Finger [VIDEO]
Jewellery is fine and all, but it's definitely not worth losing one of your precious digits. In this video, Dr. Simon Carley of Manchester Metropolitan University demonstrates a simpler way to remove a ring when your finger is swollen up like a ba...
New Numbing Spray Will Help You Wear High Heels Forever
Heel No Pain is a special spray that claims to take the pain away from wearing high heels all day. Concocted by Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Dr. Randal Haworth, the spray just basically numbs your foot for a few hours. While it might initially seem...
People Hate Anticipation More than Pain
Nobody likes pain, well not a majority of people anyway. A UK study took a closer look at how people anticipate pain by conducting two experiments. In one, participants had to choose between receiving actual electric shocks—some more intense than ot...
This Woman Deserves A Nobel Prize For Makeup Application [VIDEO]
In this gorgeous stop-motion video, body painter/makeup artist Emma Allen undergoes a transformation in which she ages, dies, and decomposes before being reborn as a cosmic leopard. Prepare to be amazed: The process involved nearly 800 still ph...
The Many Ways Pregnancy Can Fuck Up Your Body
Just in time for Horror-ween, the Wall Street Journal has compiled stories on various ways having a baby can wreck a woman's body.Painful examples include abdominal muscles that lengthen during pregnancy and spines becoming s-shaped. And then you ha...
Resilient People are Just Naturally High
Some people are more resilient than others. They're able to deal with the traumas of life and bounce back stronger than ever. Research from scientists at the University of Michigan proves that emotionally resilient people are kinda, sorta, naturally...
If Only New Parents Were More Creative Like This With Their Baby Photos
New parents usually fall into the trap of oversharing their babies on social media. Stop us if you've not heard of any of these before: helpless baby lying on bed, helpless baby lying on bed with eyes open, helpless baby staring into nothingness, he...
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