Parody: 20 Strangers Jerk Each Other Off For The First Time [VIDEO]
The 20 strangers kiss for the first time video turned out to be an ad, and that just sort of killed the magic of it. But that's not stopping the Internet from moving quick to create a parody of that. Instead of "First Kiss", this is "First Handjob...
Everyone in Britain Waited A Year for This One Super Tear-Jerker TV Commercial [VIDEO]
If you're British, then a "John Lewis Christmas ad" will excite you. The arrival of the department store chain's annual Christmas commercial marks the unofficial beginning of the holiday season. Their ads, are also usually epic. They put the viewer...
How to Politely React to Your Friend's Engagement to a Jerk [VIDEO]
Engagements are sooooooo wonderful. But if your friend is marrying a total douche, it's sooooooo not funny. But that's just what you think. Your friend is totally, utterly, superbly, cloudninely, epically, blindly, extremely, blissfully in love and ...
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