Do Young Women Really Benefit From Regular Mammograms?
A study conducted from Harvard Medical School reviewed over 7,000 cases of women diagnosed with breast cancer between 1990 and 1999. At least 65 per cent of the participants reported that they had never had a mammogram. During the study, 609 died fr...
TED Talks: Here's Why Posture Really Matters
There's no denying that your body language has an impact on others as well as yourself. Your posture not only predicts your feelings but also your work. In this TED Talk clip, Harvard social psychologist Amy Cuddy explains on how we tend to jud...
Women Dying From Strokes Because Doctors Think They're Too 'Well-Dressed'
If you're not feeling well, be sure not to dress up before heading to the clinic or your doctor might not take your illness seriously.The issue here concerns a condition known as atrial fibrillation, one of the leading causes of strokes. Despite bei...
Drink 4 Cups Of Coffee Everyday? You Are At Risk Of DYING
Drinking coffee may be good for you, but too much of something always has it's drawbacks. People under 55 who drink an average of more than four cups of coffee a day raise the risk of dying from all causes. In a study published in the journal Mayo C...
'Sexual Peaks' Is Nothing But A Myth
One of the biggest fears that women have about getting older is losing the ability to enjoy sex. But what if the thing we're worried is something that only exists in our head? As Salon writer Lisa Wade explains, this whole "sexual peak" myth is main...
Even A Little Sugar Is Bad News For Your Health
Why are also the delicious things always so bad for you? Take for instance sugar, which was recently found to shorten the lifespan of wild mice.The study involved feeding wild mice a healthy diet with a sugar mix (meant to represent three sodas wort...
Why People Don't Like Doing What They're Told
What is it about defying orders that gives people such a thrill? According to some studies, this all has to do with the psychology of reverse psychology, which boils down to the following three key principles:ReactanceExperiments involving children ...
Here's Why The Whole "Biological Clock" Thing Is Bullcrap
Any fertile woman who hasn't given birth yet is bound to have been asked about their "biological clock" and when they're going to reproduce. But new research reveals that even though women are delaying marriage and children, infertility rates have a...
Does That Guy You're Dating Secretly Wish You Would Foot The Bill?
New research out of Chapman University in California reveals that nearly two-thirds of men believe women should start paying during dates. The findings was based on survey data from 17,000 heterosexual and unmarried participants, with 4,000 providin...
Study Suggests That Having More Siblings Makes You Less Likely To Get Divorced
The study conducted by researchers at Ohio State University, states that the number of siblings we have can actually determine how long you stay married. The study had analyzed data collected from about 57,000 people in the United States between 197...
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