Clever Meat Labels Include Which Part of an Animal You're Buying
Ever bought meat from a supermarket and not know which part of an animal it was from? You know the words, but don't know where exactly? What is sirloin? Or tenderloin? Where are these parts? Barcelona-based design firm Fauna designed a whole new lin...
Luxury Labels Need To Step It Up If They Want To Appeal To China's Consumers
According to Credit Suisse’s luxury goods analyst Rogerio Fujimori, Chinese buyers now account for about a quarter of all global luxury goods sales. That's a larger share than any other country. But these days, the success or failure of a high-end b...
What Does The "Fat Free" Nutrition Label Actually Mean?
We know what you do in food aisles: You look at stuff with 'fat free' labels slapped onto it and think "Ah, it must be healthy! Hello weight loss!" But you couldn't be further than the truth.The reality is that these 'fat free' foods actually have f...
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