Four things to remember before planning an experiential marketing campaign
Brands, new and old, are leaning towards experiential marketing. Gone are the days when the lion's share of every marketing budget went towards print and digital marketing campaigns. It is not about the reallocation of marketing budget only. It is t...
Reebok's "25,915" Days Campaign Tells You To Live Your Life
Make the most of it. Don't just do nothing.
Girls Are Unstoppable In #LikeAGirl Campaign [VIDEO]
Here's a social campaign titled #LikeAGirl, which started as a conversation to boost confidence by changing the meaning of 'like a girl,' from an insult, to a total compliment. And it works. It's also pretty damn awesome. Check out the video below: ...
Condom Ad Literally Seals Couples Together in Plastic (NSFW) [VIDEO]
Sometimes when you're in love you feel like you and your significant other are one. It's a wonderful feeling to have, and it's also the theme behind a series of ads for Japanese sex shop Condomania, which features couples vacuum-sealed together as...
Mitsubishi Gives Newborns Their First Ride Home [VIDEO]
Here's a campaign that will make some lucky New Yorkers reminisce their first ride home from the hospital as an infant. And it won't be a yellow cab. The Insurance Institute of Highway Safety had named the 2014 Mitsubishi Outlander the Top Safet...
Dove Commercial Offers A Powerful Lesson About How We Perceive Ourselves
Dove has really been on a roll with their "Real Women" campaign. For their latest social experiment, they invited real women to be a part of a research group to test out a special "RB-X Patch" which can be worn directly on the arm. The particip...
Veet Is Sorry For Making Fun Of Hairy Ladies [VIDEO]
Earlier this week, Veet launched a 'Don't Risk The Dudeness' campaign that implied women should shave in order to avoid coming across as hairy dudes. It didn't take long for the insulting ad to stir up controversy online from both men and women. Man...
Does Having Body Hair Really Make A Woman Feel Manly?
Ladies, get ready to feel super guilty for having body hair. We get it that smooth skin is always in for women. But Veet's new "Don't risk dudeness!" campaign might have taken it too far by saying that women who don't regularly wax it all off risk ...
'Same-Sex Hand Holding' Campaign Stirs Up Controversy In Japan
Japan might seem wacky at times, but they are quite strict when it comes to things like public displays of affection, regardless of your sexuality. To challenge this, members of the LGBT+ community in Japan decided to set up a special Twitter b...
Danish Campaign Offering Discounts To Couples Who Get Knocked Up While On Holiday [VIDEO]
As part of the "Do It For Denmark" campaign, a Danish travel agency is offering an "ovulation discount" to couples who sign up for their city vacations. The only catch is that you have to get knocked up and give birth in Denmark.For more info, che...
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