Do you think that your team has all the insights and complete knowledge on how to maintain food safety standards? Are you worrying that your workplace will end up having a food poisoning incident or a related investigation? If that is the case, there are many things that you can do to ensure that your food business never has to face controversies and legal quagmires. 


Therefore food safety is a priority, always:

Whatever is the size of your food and beverage outlet, food safety practices can never be compromised. Go ahead and read these ten most important food safety requirements that you and your team should adopt to ensure your guests are safe and your food business is thriving.

Personal hygiene

With the world going through the pandemic situation, we must pay more attention to hygiene. Staff must keep good personal hygiene. To this end, if there is a legal requirement for any additional training in food safety and preventing cross-contamination, make sure that everyone handling food can study an online module at least and is up-to-date with requisite know-how. All the staff will be required to pass the food handlers test so make sure you don't overlook that part.

The training at its core must address detecting and preventing contamination of food with bacteria, viruses, protozoa, and other parasites that are harmful to human health. Everyone that has access to the kitchen and the serving areas must wear hygiene clothing, gloves, head cap, and footwear to check pollutants and contaminants. 


Cold food must stay in cold storage, ideally below 5 degrees Celsius. Hot food practically has to be above 65 degrees Celsius at all times. Correctly cooking the food and at the right temperature kills bacteria, which gets destroyed above 70 degrees Celsius. The team at the 먹튀사이트 has to correctly understand the need for food safety and hygiene in storing, controlling, handling, preparing as well as serving and cleaning up of food. 

Defrosting of meat is fraught with the risk of bacteria thriving because when it is thawing, meat gives out liquid precipitate that can contaminate other food kept along with it. Therefore, extreme care should be taken to follow the temperature and defrosting guidelines for each type of food.

Taking random sampling of food products: 

Spot checking must be carried out in kitchens and more particularly, of the apparatuses used in producing and manufacturing food. Random samples of 먹튀검증 of cooked food must be done to ensure cleanliness and hygiene. This method of sample collection may have been criticized as being a reactive process rather than a preventive one, but it must be borne in mind that it has been followed traditionally and has served as an excellent way to check for food contamination occurring at the source. 

 Good infrastructure in the kitchen: 

Hotel staff and management cannot at any point of time become lax about the place where raw material and ingredients are stored. They must be handled and stored in the best of conditions. Ventilation in kitchens in the form of exhausts and electrical chimneys must be checked for malfunctions to control natural elements such as humidity, odor, and temperature.

Perfect lighting in the cooking and storing area is a sine qua non. Drains in the kitchen must be well constructed and made to last. There must be a designated place farthest from food ingredients and cooked food to keep all cleaning agents, disinfectants, and chemicals. Any food that is suspected of having come in slightest contact with toxic cleaners, sanitizers, soaps, and bleaches must be discarded and binned immediately. 


Water that is used for cooking and serving guests must be stored in different clean corners. Ice should be made from potable water only and stored hygienically. Steam from the water must not contain any contaminants and hazards. Water used for fire hydrants, refrigeration, and heating must be placed away from the food, preparing surface and electrical and electronic equipment. 


The utensils and the surface for cooking must be washed with detergent and warm water every day. All the food that comes in contact with meat and unwashed vegetables must be cleaned in running water and sterilized. Chopping boards must be separate for cooked and raw foods. 


It is imminent that food packaging material is stored diligently and unused wrappers do not come in contact with cooked or raw food at the time of storage. The usage of wrapping material and packaging food must happen with gloves on to ensure zero contamination. 

Pest and pet control

Preventive measures must be taken at storage and preparation places that food does not come in contact with pets and pests. The design of the area designated for storage and preparation must discourage access to pets and pests.

Immediate cleaning of food spills must be done not to attract pests. Waste should be dumped into disposal bins promptly and done away with to prevent pest-pet nuisance.


Pick up food vans and containers used to transport ingredients and cooked food from one place to another must maintain the highest standard of hygiene and temperature control. They must not be accessible to pets like feral cats and be kept in reasonable condition.

Fire hazards:

Fire accidents devastate life and property. It also has the potential to dent the reputation of your business seriously. The kitchen appliance must be kept under the best maintenance and repair. Electrical appliances that are not in use may be unplugged diligently. Periodic checks should be carried out, and old and faulty wiring must be replaced. 


Prevention is any day better than a cure. Despite the best safety practices, many cases of food contamination and fatalities do surface in the news. It is the responsibility squarely of the eateries' management that such things do not happen because of the negligence and carelessness of their staff. It affects not only the people who fall ill after having 먹튀 the bad food but also the reputation of the eatery.