Airbrush And The Airbrush Makeup Product Is Perfect For Your Wedding Day: Know The Benefits of Airbrush Makeup Foundation
A bride with a natural, no makeup look is beyond imagination. At a time, again, smokey eyes were considered an evil look once. But all those processes are backdated now. Brides are ready to experiment with their look and their appearance as well. No...
5 Must-Have Makeup Brushes For Beginners
Makeup brushes come in a variety of shapes and materials, so choosing the right one may be a bit confusing. In general, there are two main types: natural bristles and synthetic bristles. Synthetic bristles are often cheaper and shed less when washed...
4 Ways to Elevate Your Daily Makeup Routine
Just because virtual and Zoom meetings are the new normal doesn’t mean your look needs to be. These days, TikTok and other social media sites are sharing their tips and tricks on how to take an everyday look and turn it into one your entire social c...
What to know about Permanent Tattoo Makeup for Stretch Marks
For many people, women, in particular, fighting the battle against stretch marks has been a never-ending cycle. Though some do not have an issue with the stretch marks, others do because of aesthetic reasons. Hence, the reasons why many people are s...
Joe Mande Tries Out Avatar Makeup Tutorial
Someone decided to try out GlowPinkStah's Avatar Makeup Tutorial. Joe Mande pays respect to her as she did to the Na'vi:Check scary makeup tutorials [TheDW]
This Man Can Turn Into Any Female Game of Thrones Character
Meet makeup artist Paolo Ballesteros. He takes on Game of Thrones and transforms himself from a guy into one of the powerful female characters from Game of Thrones. And he's actually very good at it. Check out some of his work below: Cersei Lanniste...
How Does Kim Kardashian Look Like Without Makeup? Here's A Selfie Of That
Kim Kardashian's selfies are legendary, and she usually looks top-knotch when it comes to sharing pictures of her mug shot. But now, she's also just shared how she looks like without makeup on.Here's checking her out on Snapchat with makeup.And now,...
16-Year-Old Self-Taught Makeup Artist Shows Off Her Talent
This is Lara Wirth. She's 16-year-olds, and she is a self taught makeup artist. In fact, don't think they teach you stuff like this in schools. Check out her amazing talent in the gallery below: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ...
Now You Know The Secrets To Adele's Eyeliner Techniques
Adele's eyeliner is smoky sexy. It's impossibly perfect. But how does she do it? Adele's longtime makeup artist Michael Ashton decided to break it down for all of us. So if you want to look like this:Or this:Then watch the video below:
Korean Makeup Artist Transforms Herself Into Taylor Swift
If Taylor Swift were a Korean, she'd look exactly Korean makeup artist and blogger PONY. All she did was use makeup to transform herself into the pop star. The resemblance is remarkable too. And if Taylor were Korean, she'd be just as hot. PONY has...
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