Newborns and pushchairs
Newborns are the super sensitive babies who just opened their eyes in the new world. Parents or guardians take much care for the newborns: their bedding, feed and all done with due care. There involved hundreds of things for making them feel cosy and comfortable. Pushchairs or strollers are one of them. For a newborn, the pushchair is one of the handiest items. A pushchair, a stroller or a buggy are the name of the same item for the better sitting of your newborn. 


Types of pushchairs
A right stroller or pushchair type would make your newborn feel ease and, it is very much necessary to select the one best pushchair for your newborn among hundreds of multiple strollers. There are different types of pushchair include double pushchairs for newborn. A few of the commons shared below:

1. Strollers
2. Prams
3. Double strollers
4. Lightweight stroller
5. Care seat carrier

Selection of the best stroller or pushchair based on various influencing factors. Such as; your budget, your lifestyles, where you want to carry your newborn and how many newborns you are carrying with you? A stroller must be light in weight so that I could be easily carried with anywhere.

Top 5 pushchairs for newborns
It is hard to find the best pushchair for your newborn. If you are in search of an ideal pushchair for a newborn, then must read the buyer guides as well as buyer reviews regarding different types of a stroller or pushchair. Here we have collected the world's most top used pushchairs for newborns. Have a look at their description:

1. Bugaboo Fox 2
The pushchair named "Bugaboo Fox 2" considered to be the most comfortable and handy pushchair for multiple terrains. It can carry babies with 22kg weight maximum. It has a carrycot which is wide enough to carry your newborn easily. This stylish and easy to push stroller little expensive too. This foldable stroller can be used with wheels, and you can carry it after removing wheels.

2. Mamas and papas Ocarro
It is the best countryside to use the stroller. This was an awarded stroller in 2020. It has 13kg weight and can carry babies with 22kg weight. It is easy to carry in the car too. For a smooth ride with your newborn, this stroller with a spacious shopping basket would be significant enough. Its solid wheels make it's working smoother and more excellent. If you recently went with C section, then this might be bulky and weighty for using this stroller. The pushchairs suited the rural areas where handling the different terrains required.

3. Baby jogger city mini GT2
The light frame baby stroller named “Baby jogger city mini GT2” is one of the best pushchairs for newborn. It has large backset space underneath the stroller to carry and store your toddler’s items and rubbish which you have to carry with you. This stroller works perfectly on steel or off-road surface. Its retractable weather cover with an SF 50 hood canopy keep your newborn protected against sun rays. 

4. Maxi Cosi Zelia Stroller
If you are in search of a newborn stroller within an affordable less price then this "Maxi cosizelia stroller" would be of your interest. Its 2 in 1 seat and super lightweight make it easy converts for parents. It can carry babes up to 3 years within it. It's accessible to transformable seats form a seat to bassinet keep it lightweight.  

5. Nuna MIXX Stroller
If you want a convertible stroller for your newborn then the “Nuna MIXX Stroller” might be of your choice. There are stunning features of the make it unique among hundreds of strollers for newborns. It is compatible with all car seats having an incredible option of a travel system. The calf seat of the stroller is adjustable, and its foam filled wheels make it safe to carry. Its carrycot has soft paddings which are like a mattress.

After reviewing the world's five the best pushchairs, we found that stroller or pushchairs are the need of the parents who have newborns. If you are looking to buy a brand new the best pushchair for your newborn, then is the best sellers. They have a wide variety of baby products, including baby bedding, strollers and learning items.

I hope this article would help you in finding the best pushchair for your newborn.