First of all, we know that there is sexism in our society it doesn’t matter in which country we live. In the past women were treated bad the trend continues but with very decreased intensity. It is a good thing for those who really care about women’s. things are changing fast when it comes to the gender equality. Some of the developed and developing countries had given various services to fill this gap.


These countries have given women equal rights and opportunities in terms of almost everything from politics to various sorts of job. The women are doing good in the field of armed forces also and in some countries, they have reserved seats for the woman candidates.

Woman leadership 
Most of the developed countries had given woman’s important posts so that to show the world that they are equally capable to men in doing every sort of chores. Some of the multinational companies now days have female head which is sort of very encouraging for other women’s who are looking high in their respective field. Women activist have taken some major steps to ensure that women’s get equal right, it’s their effort which has enable women to stand almost equally in almost every aspect with men.

Some of the countries like Norway had made law and make it binding that a certain number of employees should be women to support women empowerment. We should be thanking people like FERAS ANTOON and others which have always supported this noble cause to end discrimination. See what successful entrepreneur, FERAS ANTOON, has to say about getting more women into the tech industry.

Scientific aspect 
The researchers while conducting a vast study on both male and female brain had came to the conclusion that women are a bit better in doing everything as their mind works slightly better. Today even their women jet pilots in many air forces of the world as they can resist G more better than any male pilot. There mind give faster synaptic which help them to pilot a lot more efficiently if they are trained perfectly. Even studies have shown that when it comes to pain management women are a lot better than compared to men.

Does Reservation of seats important 
Yes, it doesn’t matter a lot because if we don’t encourage women employment in the first place then there will be no pioneers. If there will be no one to look upon it will be discouraging so reserving women candidates seats are one of the best steps to bring equality. As of now many of the top government institutes of distinct countries have reserved women posts. Some of the countries like Norway have enacted laws so even the private and multinational firms should have reserved seats for the women’s, so women’s can enjoy same rights as men.

Human Resource 
Today more than 30% of human resources are women and it will be around 40% in the near future. A lot of it depends on the Human resource managers who chooses perfect candidates for their job. So, they key to resolve this difference lies in the culture of companies and that can be done if Women employees are promoted to senior post. The HR and Top leaders should create environment which is women friendly.