You can tell a lot about a person just from their smile. You're able to read their emotions, understand their feelings, and be made to feel welcome. It's funny to think that our mouths have such a profound impact on expression, but they unquestionably do. Which is also why it can be such a drag for people that aren't happy with their teeth.

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There is a whole assortment of dental problems than can be the root cause of lost confidence. And a lost smile is truly a crying shame. There is perhaps nothing that will take the shine from someone's smile quite like missing teeth. Whether it's the result of an accident or a symptom of gum disease, it can cause a myriad of confidence issues. Nobody should have to suffer from low self-esteem, so we're glad to inform you that there are options for replacing missing teeth.

While it is possible that your mouth with automatically correct the alignment of your teeth over time, it can cause problems. Your bone structure may try to compensate for a missing tooth over a long-term period. That makes your teeth appear longer. And, if you wanted to have it corrected at a later date, it may not be possible anymore because of this.

So, with that in mind, here are three options you have available if you want to replace missing teeth:

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Dental Bridges

You may have otherwise heard this commonly referred to as a 'cap.' The procedure involves removing additional teeth from either side of the missing tooth to create two artificial crowns. The replacement tooth then sits between the caps, creating a stable alignment of teeth. You may want to consider, however, that this procedure is often the most costly of the three methods on this list. This is due to the operation requiring three new teeth to be created. But the long-term implications generally yield positive results.

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Dental Implants

There are a number of different reasons why dental implants, such as the "all on four dental implant", are the most preferred option for replacing missing teeth. Despite the higher cost compared to other methods on this list, it offers a higher quality solution. Dental implants don't just fill the missing gaps in your smile. They help to support the bone structure of your gums, last in the longer-term and promote a healthy tooth alignment. The layout of your mouth is complex, and all the components interact with one another. Dental implants, including the all on four dental implant, help keep your mouth operating as it should. You can learn more at Fresh Dental about dental implant procedures.

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Dentures are often the least preferred method, largely due to the fact that they're not permanent. Given that they're detachable, it can be uncomfortable to eat and cause embarrassment at times. They are, however, the most affordable option available to you. And one that is utilized by older people more commonly. When having dentures made, it's crucial that you go to a reliable dental surgery. An ill-fitting set of dentures could erode the gums and cause further complications.