For the life of me, I don't know why would anyone go through the trouble of getting butt implants. This one 31-year-old woman did and hopes that her 50-inch surgically enhanced behind will help get her some fame and break out from the life she currently has.

Patricia, has spent thousands of dollars on Brazilian butt lifts in order to take her butt from flat to omg.

She ultimately wants to be a full-time model. After her photos appeared in club posters, her Instagram followers ballooned to 166,000 overnight:

Patricia’s since had requests to appear in modelling shoots from as far afield as Hong Kong and South Africa.

While, for now, she’s keeping her feet on the ground – she still works four-day shifts of 16 hours at the steel mill – she still has a slow glowing dream.

‘I don’t want to be 40 and 45 and look up and say like why did I spend all my life at the factory and I haven’t done anything. I haven’t travelled, I haven’t experienced the world, I haven’t met different people,’ she says.

‘That’s the kind of life I’m hoping to live now.’

Now she's putting her butt to use by twerking. It's quite difficult to watch, because it's so big.