Talk of virtual reality has always been around. Though we’ve seen some advancements, the pickup rate for VR hasn’t been as mainstream as one would have thought. Though, nowadays, more and more applications are able to accommodate this new technology. 

Some real-life applications would be into the daily things we use, and this will be great since a product like VR really needs a real use-case before it can get mass adoption. 

The first real obvious application of VR would be in gaming. And we’re seeing this all around now. On many gaming sites, there are long lists of recommended VR games that either include single or multiplayer types. This particular trend is picking up with the introduction of devices like Occulus. 

And it’s not just these types of casino games that are making headway with VR. Even casinos in vegas are using these sorts of technology to make the experiences more immersive. What makes VR interesting when applied to any format of gaming anyone is used to is the feeling of being transported to a realm of new experiences. 

That said, it’s still not widely used just yet, and it’s only a matter of time before traction and use cases for it picks up more steam. 


The design industry may be the most applicable day to day function VR can play a big role in. Even now, there are firms that are using this to prototype. 

What 3D printing has done to speed up the prototyping process, VR is in a position to allow that prototype to be experienced before any ideas are needed to be materialized in the concept stage. 

This is ground breaking since conceptual models are easily realized with VR experiments. Research into this is taking off too, with companies like Microsoft heavily investing into what the use of this technology can do to take things to the next level. 


If VR is making its headway in games, wouldn’t that be the precipice for it to launch a larger and more complete version of communication? The idea that this could work may change the way we conference with one another from remote locations. 

Let’s imagine if all communication that takes place will one day utilize VR tech that’s more real than ever like the video below: 

Again, not a matter of how, but more of when. 

While it’ll admittedly take more time for VR to make more waves, we are eventually seeing its use more often in small pockets in different industries. Should it succeed will depend on how popular they can make it. 

Will you use VR?