How the Best Matchmaking Service in Ukraine Works

Do you know that the number of people considering online dating as a good way to meet people has been only growing over last years?
Do you know that the number of people considering online dating as a good way to meet people has been only growing over last years? And that online dating results in a greater number of newlyweds compared to traditional ways like meeting each other through friends or at work? This what the latest statistics shows, but our Ukraine matchmaking service boasts even more impressive figures, offering the awesome 86% success rate for its clients.
Working as a marriage agency from 2000, a decade ago the service switched to the more effective matchmaking approach based on the latest psychological and sociological research, as well as on our wealth of experience gained over the years of successfully playing Cupid. By now, the service helped more than 500 couples to find each other, and this is only those who shared their marriages with us.
Why it works
Nowadays, the agency offers both traditional online dating and client-tailored matchmaking service, granting its clients freedom to choose what works best for them. The traditional way implies a paid membership that allows choosing ladies from the agency’s catalogue for e-mailing and video-dating, leading to further face-to-face meetings upon client’s arrival to Ukraine.
However, this doesn’t include comprehensive assistance from the agency’s experienced matchmaker. By contrast, the customized service covers ladies handpicking based on the results of an in-depth interview with a client, date coaching, private consultation sessions, relationship revision and more – in addition to the above-mentioned mail forwarding and video-dates. Besides, matches are picked in both online and offline catalogues, the latter including ladies who are serious about finding a mate, but don’t feel like being exposed online.
The individualized approach coupled with years of expertise brings the best results translated into committed relationships and walking down the aisle in 95% cases. The important advantage of the agency is that ladies are accepted to the catalogue only upon paying a fee and thorough testing, proving they are invested in finding the other half no less than male clients. Moreover, the agency maintains contact with its ladies on a weekly basis to make sure they are still accessible, fancy-free and determined.
For live meetings with its ladies, the agency offers a wide choice of romance tours and other date options, with its matchmaking supervision available for activation at any time, as well as a broad pay-per-service selection. This adds to romantic atmosphere, and so it’s no wonder that chemistry is created.
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