These 3 Factors Determine if You'll Get Married

What determines if you're marriage material? Is it the way you look? How you act?
In a new study published in the journal Social Science Research, researchers considered how likely someone is to get married by examining three traits: physical attractiveness, personality attractiveness, and personal grooming.
Apparently, your overall score based on these three factors could be linked to whether or not you'll get married. Researchers looked at data on more than 9,000 people from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. For the study, they rated participants on these three traits using a scale of one to five. The higher the collective score, the more likely the person was to get hitched (though it had no influence on cohabitation).
People likely eye the whole package when they consider whether or not someone is worthy of being proposed to. "[The] results also suggest they may be able to compensate for a deficiency in one desirable trait by enhancing the presence of another," write the study authors.
In essence, if you're lacking in one area, you can probably make up for it in another way. But of course, being someone "worth marrying" doesn't mean you actually want to settle down in the first place.
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