Increase Your Chances of Climaxing During Sex

If you aren't able to have a mind-blowing orgasm, maybe science can help.
Previous research shows that you're less likely to climax during a casual hookup, but with the right foreplay, you can boost your chances of having an orgasm, according to a new infographic that gathered data from the American Sociological Review.

The original study surveyed over 13,000 heterosexual college women from 21 different institutions, interviewing 85 women face-to-face for an in-depth understanding. They found that a woman's chance of climaxing during a hookup depended on a few factors, including foreplay. For instance, the likelihood of achieving orgasm during vaginal intercourse increased by 18 percent if the woman also stimulated herself by hand, by 9 percent if she received oral sex from the guy, and, surprisingly, by 15 percent if they had anal sex.
This, however, doesn't mean these behaviors will definitely bring you to an orgasm - it could also mean that women who know what it takes to get them off are also the ones who are willing to make the effort to climax to an orgasm.
It also mattered who the women were having sex with. Women had only a 32 percent chance of climaxing if they had never hooked up with their partner before, but they had 51 percent chance if they had hooked up six times or more in the past. Women were also more likely to have an orgasm if they were interested in a relationship with the person they slept with. The science here is that you can increase your odds by boosting foreplay and sleeping with someone you'd actually want to date.
But remember that having an orgasm doesn't necessarily mean it's the best sex of your life. You can also have great sex without climaxing!
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