Rebound Relationships are Not So Bad After All

Breakups can sometimes be difficult to deal with, and sometimes we indulge in rebound relationships immediately after for sexual or emotional comfort. But as regular as these quick connections are, they've also gotten a bad rap.
People assume that others on the rebound are either looking for a quick way to get over someone, or get back at their exes - which isn't a smart move.
But now researchers have something to say about it. According to recent research from Queens College and the University of Illinois, rebound relationships might not be so silly after all. In fact, they might even have some advantages.
In a series of two studies, researchers asked people who had recently been through a breakup and how they were doing; if they had moved on to someone else, and how they felt about their ex.
An analysis of the study results led them to some interesting findings: The less time participants spent single between relationships, the higher their well-being, self-esteem, and confidence in their dating appeal. Rebounders tended to have more contact and respect for their current partner too. But on the flip side, they were also more likely to compare their current partner with their ex.
"The findings from these studies suggest that people who rapidly begin a new rebound relationship are not necessarily any worse off than those who wait longer to get reinvolved," the authors wrote in the study. "In fact, in some domains, they appear to be better functioning."
Bear in mind though, that these studies simply show a correlation, and not a cause-and-effect relationship. So it's possible that people who already feel good post-breakup are more likely to start dating quickly, rather than feeling great because they've rebounded.
Whatever it is, the study shows that not all rebound relationships are doomed. Just be sure you know where your head and heart is at, and tread wisely.
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