An umbrella is an umbrella right? How much more funky and functional can it get? This one here, challenges that thought by adding a reflective material on it to make practical sense. You might want to use this.
Cameras don't only take good pictures, they also pose well in pictures. Check out these amazing studio portraits by photographer Julian Calverley.
Introducing the Kenu Airframe, which is being deemed as the "world’s most portable car mount for smartphones."
The best geek news this week is that a Star Trek theme park is in the works, and we have concept art images for Trekkies to imagine their dream place.
I know what your dirty mind is thinking. This guy may just be every woman's dream come true. Or this could be an art every man needs to learn. Either way, this is one heck of some art, because this guy here uses his tongue to draw!
Autonomous cars are coming whether you like it or not. By the year 2020, many countries will be having these kinds of cars on the road. These vehicles will do away with nearly all traffic collisions and reduce traffic congestion.
Steve Jobs has received a ton of public tributes since he passed away in 2011. From a biopic starring Ashton Kutcher, to logos, and dolls, and more, here's another one. This time, it focuses on the machines that made his life's work.
This Modarri car isn't just a toy car. It is customizable, and modular. It comes with actual spring suspension and steering just like the real thing. A tad bit intricate for a toy car?
Now kids can use the DohVinci, the first handheld 3D printer for kids, without parental supervision! It uses a new kind of Play-Doh that hardens overnight.
If all those GIFs you see don't satisfy your GIFpetite, then how about turning yourself into one? "And Then I Was Like..." is exactly where you need to go. Time for a lot more GIFs than usual!