For a long time, hair transplantation was seen as something to be ashamed of. Celebrities who turned to FUE or FUT in order to reverse the effects of alopecia often refused to admit doing so for fear of being mocked by the media.Thankfully,the attitude to hair transplantation has changed dramatically in recent years. More and more people are opting for a hair transplant, with many traveling to Turkey, where FUE treatment can be secured for less than $5000

The change in attitude to hair transplants has been helped by celebrities being more willing to speak openly about their own experiences with such procedures. In this article, we’re going to be looking at four celebrities who have undergone a hair transplant (although some are still refusing to admit it!)

Wayne Rooney

It’s hard to think of somebody who’s had a more public battle with alopecia than footballer Wayne Rooney. As early as twenty years of age, he was showing signs of balding. The media was quick to pick up on Rooney’s first hair transplant, which occurred all the way back in 2011. In the years that have followed, the Manchester United legend is known to have undergone a number of additional hair restoration procedures. Unlike many others who opt for a hair transplant, Rooney decided to avoid traveling to Turkey. By undergoing his various hair transplant procedures in the United Kingdom, it is believed Rooney spent upwards of £30,000 trying to restore his hairline.

John Cleese

Comedians aren’t exactly known for their vanity. It may come as a surprise, then, that comedy legend John Cleese underwent a hair transplant in 2008. Cleese, seen by many as the key figure in the iconic British sketch troupe Monty Python, was one of the first Hollywood A-listers to speak openly about undergoing a hair transplant. While appearing as a guest on the talk show Richard and Judy’s New Position, Cleese, ever the comedian, explained his decision to get hair implants by saying: “I have got a very strange shaped head. It’s very pointy. And I don’t like wearing wigs.”

Joe Biden

Joe Biden enjoyed eight years as the Vice President of the United States of America. However, a lot of younger people don’t realize that Biden actually ran for President himself back in the 1980s. He was doing quite well until a controversy regarding plagiarized speeches forced him to drop out of the race. When preparing himself for his first White House bid, Biden is believed to have undergone a hair transplant. Although Biden himself has never confirmed the surgery, most hair restoration experts don’t hesitate to point out the clear signs of it. They are also quick to criticize the work of whoever performed the surgery. Because Biden underwent a hair transplant at a time when hair implants were still being perfected, his hairline lacks the density that one would enjoy with a modern procedure.

David Beckham

David Beckham, footballer, businessman, and general handsome person, has never been one to shy away from the spotlight. That being said, the star has been pretty mum about his obvious hair transplant. Rumors about Beckham undergoing a hair transplant began to spread towards the end of 2018. Not too long after, the sportstar began appearing in public sporting a noticeably thicker head of hair. Given Beckham’s immense wealth, it’s safe to assume he underwent follicular unit extraction (FUE), which is the most popular and expensive method of hair restoration. FUE can cost tens of thousands in Europe or the United States, but those on a budget can secure it for markedly less by traveling to Turkey. Despite their low prices, Turkey’s hair transplant clinics guarantee high-quality results, so you can be certain of a Beckham-esque mane!