Have you secured an interview with a company to which you have sent a job application? Congratulations - you've jumped a major hurdle, as it's evidence that the recruiter believes you are qualified for the job. However, they still seek to learn more about you, hence the interview.

That interview is also a good opportunity to assess whether the company is right for you, not just vice versa. Therefore, when the interviewer invites you to ask them questions, have these ready...


"What activities are on offer for employees?"

Naturally, you want to enjoy the atmosphere where you work - and this question can give you something of an insight as to whether you will enjoy it. If social events like quizzes, outings and the like are regularly planned, this can hint at a healthy camaraderie in the office.

Still, don't worry if you're not a big social butterfly. Human resources expert Jill Santopietro Panall explains in an interview with Glassdoor: "If the thought of socializing with your co-workers leaves you cold, you may want to look for a company with a more 9-5 environment."

"Does the company have plans for expansion?"

Boredom could too easily set in if you end up doing the same old thing in the same old place day after day, year after year - but, fortunately, it doesn't necessarily have to be this way. 

As the UK arm of the employment website Monster explains, asking about future expansion plans could help you to discern possible opportunities for promotion or even moving to a whole new city.
"How are the team supported and motivated?"

The company's ethos isn't simply in the inspirational quotes splashed on artwork around the office; it's in how this company manages talent and helps it to thrive.

In asking the above question, you could learn, say, whether the business encourages risk-taking and discourages the "fear of failure" capable of unhelpfully stopping employees in their tracks. You could also find out why the interviewer is proud to work at the company, as The Muse hints

"What ongoing learning opportunities are available?"

If you are set to enter the world of work without a degree, your eventual employer might be willing to subsidise your study for that qualification. This would be an undoubted boon, but the prospect is hardly the only reason for you to raise this question. 

After all, asking it can help you to learn whether the firm would be invested in you for the long haul, such as through the training making up some of the employee wellbeing solutions from LifeWorks.
"Would you be happy to show me around the office?"

This would be worth saving for a last-round interview, lest you come across as overly intrusive. Just like casually walking around a house can help you to imagine yourself living there, joining a tour of this office could help you to discern whether this is a work environment where you could genuinely thrive - and only you know exactly what type of work environment you want.