That old chestnut of not hating the player, but hating the game will just never fly for golf in corporate America, so if you haven’t yet - it’s definitely time to go buy some shoes. 

Golf has been the iconic sport of business men and women across America for… well, probably about as long as corporate America has been around. In the same way that University alum and the average Joe celebrate football, the CEOs and CFOs of this world celebrate golf. 

Golf isn’t just a spectators sport in the business world though, as many courses are the go to place if you’re looking for handshake deals and off the books shop talk. More big deals are made on golf courses than just about anywhere else, outside of the boardroom. This is exactly why, if you want to be taken seriously in the business world, you’ve got to get serious about your golf game. 

There are a million ways to promote the fact you understand “how business is done” (massive air quotes here) than strutting around the office talking about your handicap. From just learning the lingo, to getting Golf prints on the walls, here are the top ways to let the corporate world know that know how to keep it on the fairway. 

Join the Club 


The absolute best way to learn about golf is to, well… play golf. Sounds crazy, right? Well, not really. Golf is actually a really fantastic sport when it comes to low impact exercise. Good for the heart, and the muscles, no matter what shape you’re in. Joining the local country club is also really great for your business image, as it’s a sure fire way to get you noticed by the upper echelon. Your club pass may be good for more than just handshakes, as most clubs offer in house pros and full on lessons, you’ll have no excuse as to why your game isn’t up to par.

Jazz Up Your Office with Quality Golf Posters 


No, we’re not talking about the same kind of posters that every moody teenager has filling the walls of their bedroom. We’re talking high quality framed prints. Whether you choose from iconic celebrity photos, or the serene scapes of some of the nicest courses in the world, bringing in some of the green will really open up an otherwise drab office. If you end up choosing a low quality golf poster without a frame, you better be asking for a mulligan. 

All About the Ambiance 


If golf posters aren’t your thing, consider putting up a few flat screens around the office. Flick it to the golf channel and pop on the mute feature. This is an excellent way to make your whole team not only look tech savvy, but golf crazy at the same time. It’s also super calming to watch, and rarely pulls focus off of necessary tasks, like other sports may. A few TVs have the added effect of making you look like the cool boss, and gives other employees a feeling of luxury. They also make for some pretty fantastic theme settings at employee parties.

Learn the Jargon 


As with any profession or niche hobby, if you don't know the jargon, you don't know the game. Familiarizing yourself with golf terms may not be the simplest of the tasks at hand, but it will prove to pay off the best. Perhaps the greatest part about just learning the lingo associated with the game, is there’s nothing ostentatious about throwing around a few clever catchphrases. Golf language is a great way to show people you're a fan without looking like a presumptuous brown-noser. A quick leaf through Google and you’ll find all sorts of websites dedicated to providing golf terms for beginners, getting you out of the newbie sand trap. 

Put a Face to the Name


Make sure that you can name at least a few of the greatest golfers of all time. Whether you have their golf prints up or not. It also helps to be aware of who the good players are currently and which ones are the hot picks for future domination of the fairway. Aside from the athletes themselves, you should also know the names of some of the more elite courses as well. It’s no coincidence that President Trump drops the name “Mar-a-Lago” like a tween talking Gucci. Understand what these courses bring to the table and make sure that your familiar with course difficulty and location. It’s one thing to know the name, but if someone asks you about par, you better not give them a bogie.