Emilia Clarke is still causing a stir online, when she said a threesome between Daenerys Targaryen, Channing Tatum and his wife would be a hot thing to experience. Now she's saying a threeway between Dany, Sarah Conor, and Ryan Gosling would be fun too.


Here's her interview with Moviefone for Terminator Genisys:

Q: If Sarah Connor and Daenerys Targaryen had a girls’ night out, where would they go and what would they do?
Emilia Clarke: Wow, that would be a serious night out. I would think that they would, I just don’t know.
Jai Courtney: Who’s calling the shots?
Emilia: I think Daenerys is. Daenerys is calling the shots.
Jason Clarke: Is it a club or a bar or a jazz boutique?
Emilia: Well somewhere that’s fireproof probably, because Daenerys would probably bring the dragons along with her. Ryan Gosling might be there just cause I think they both would think he was really hot.
Jai: Little ménage a trois with Ryan Gosling?
Emilia: Why not? I’m just throwing that one out there. If he wants to pick it up at any point, that’s fine.

It would be hot because of this too:


Check out her interview below: