This is 29-year-old Ceara Lynch. She's been making some serious cash for a while now in the sex industry, and one of the things that she makes money from? Her urine. Seriously. People are buying bottles of it.

Reports The Sun…

“I would go to different social media websites to talk to people and one day this guy started talking to me and was a total pervert,” she told the Joe Rogan Experience.

“I was grossed out by him but intrigued at the same time. I was chatting to him online and he couldn’t do anything to me, so I kept the lines of communication open.

“We’d talk here and there and he always tried to convince me to meet him. He really wanted me to pee on him and stuff like that.”

After multiple rejections, the guy accepted he would never meet her in person, but offered instead to pay her $250 to buy a bottle of her urine and worn pantyhose.

Ceara agreed and after receiving the cash, she began to wonder if there were more men like him in the world.

This answers anyone's question of whether they can make money from selling their shit. I guess this is true for Ceara.








