How do you avoid being in a Taylor Swift song? Do you want to be the next Harry Styles? Or John Mayer or Jake Gyllenhaal? Here are some tips, if you happen to find yourself dating Taylor Swift.

1. Don't dump her

Seriously, whatever you do, don't dump her. At least don't do it without any rhyme or reason. You can expect a full 3-4 minutes about this. 

Yup, don't be wishy-washy about things.

2. Don't cheat on her

Actually, you can dump her. Just don't cheat on her, because this is way worse. Expect to find yourself in an entire album if you do this. 

3. If you want to break up, do it really, really slow

Don't drop the bomb on her. Taylor is actually a good girlfriend. So it's still a mystery why people wouldn't want to date her. If you want to break up with her, do it really, really slow. Like slowly lifting a band-aid off. 

Maybe, she'll apologize to you someday in song.

4. Or make it her fault

I don't actually know how to do something like this, and it would seem silly and un-manly to do so, but you could be gambling with this strategy. You may or may not end up in a song.

You've suddenly developed "sudden-unrequited-love" syndrome.:

5. Try remaining friends after that

Say you've managed to not follow any of the above. And the worst case is being in a song. Your last attempt to avoid immortality in song is to try being friends with her. Although, will she be okay with that, we wonder?

Just say something to her!

Just don't expect to ever get back together. Ever.