Check Out These Illustrations Showing Off the Most Productive Types of Space
Employers these days are recognizing that there is a lot more to do in today's office than just sitting your life away. Herman Miller has been a hub of next-level office design since the Era of Eames, and they just completed a six month long resear...
This Human Slingshot Looks Like A Bowl Of Extreme Fun (Video)
Bungee jumping and skydiving are so passe already. How about this instead? A gigantic human slingshot that fires... people! It looks like way too much fun to have. Check out the human catapult!
Super Check Out A Slow Motion GIF Of A Boxer Getting Whacked In The Face
Boxer Giovanni Lorenzo got one heck of a punch, as we can see from this slow motion GIF. A knockout punch that is. It's glorious and devastating at the same time. Check it out.
Here Are The Lies On TV You Should Not Believe
Never believe anything you see on TV. After all, it's all a bunch of made up drama with faux facts to get you hooked. Reddit user julestheteacher recently posted a question to the Ask Reddit community:"Hello, what 'lies' do you see on TV shows that ...
Guess How Much Money Is In That Pile In Breaking Bad
Walter White has so much money now in season 5 of "Breaking Bad", his wife Skyler decided to keep in storage because it was way too much to launder. Skyler says she has no idea how much he's earned so far. Spiilers ahead!"I rented this place and I s...
All The Answers To The Burning Tech Questions You Have
Ever got a burning question about technology that you've always wanted to ask but were to embarrass to? Well, you're not alone. We take a look at some of the more recent, and common questions, from what a cloud is to why your laptop gets hot and wha...
That Cute Cartoon Fish Nemo is Actually a Hermaphrodite
Finding Nemo brought us a world closer to the lives of seawater beauties. But how they actually are in real-life is completely unlike the Pixar animation describes. Patrick Cooney, a fisheries researcher at The Fisheries Blog, talks about the real...
Is Jimmy Choo The New Christian Louboutin?
Reputable high fashion online boutique Mr. Porter has a new pair of Jimmy Choo slip-on sneakers for sale. It doesn't look very much different from a Vans classic slip-on, which retails for $50. What's surprising is that Jimmy Choo's pair costs $1,09...
Disgruntled Man Pays Fine in Coins, Bank Workers Spend All Day Counting Money
Sometime last year, a woman named Wu was eating at a noodle shop when she and her husband got into an altercation with its owner. The argument turned physical, and Wu suffered a brain contusion while her husband left with three broken ribs. Justice ...
China is Trying to Teach Their Chinese Tourists About Respecting Other Cultures, Customs & Traditions
China has earned a yet another bad reputation after their people made their mark in the world - and not in a good way. Rude Chinese tourists have recently been reported to ruin some of the world's greatest tourist attractions, something that has ang...
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