Chart Will Show You What Everything Is Made Of
This infographic from Visually sums up the periodic table to show which elements are present in the ocean, a person, the atmosphere and more. Basically, what everything is made up of. The breakdown of humans shows the percentage of each element is a...
Turn Your Cast Into Iron Man's Arm To Forget The Pain
It sucks if you're wearing a cast. But while you can't afford the cooler ones or even concept ones today, here's something you can do to make it all look a tad bit cooler. Draw an Iron Man arm on it and then BAM suddenly you're OK breaking that arm....
These Are What You Can Call Your Privates With Names Dating Back To 1250
Let's face it. There's more than one way to call your privates. Whether it be the Hammer, or your secret garden, or whatever. Here's taking a look at some historical slang on the genital charts. TimeGlider created these timelines from Green's Dictio...
Nike Tattoo Leggings Pulled Because Deemed Offensive
Nike is finding itself in some hot soup after launching a tattoo like print on it's Pro Tattoo Tech Tights. It's sparked some ire in Australia and New Zealand. But why? Because it's got a lot of similarity to the traditional male tattoo of Samoa. Ac...
Fast Food Looks Worse After You Scan It. Check Out This Photography Series
Guess what? Fast food isn't good for you. But you already knew that. Jon Feinstein's photography series about fast food takes what we know about the items and uses a scanner to create images of them. And they look less appetizing! Feinstein's projec...
Eat Your Dinner With No Side Order Of iPhone Please
How often do you check your smartphone throughout the day? And at dinner? It seems that the trend of doing so is so prevalent these days. Is this part of a FOMO phenomenon? Krishna Sadasivam of PC Weenies points out that the dinner table should be r...
Here's Where Heisenberg Could Keep His Guns (Video)
This is the Couchbunker. It is a $7,000 sofa that is bulletproof. And it comes with some storage space, for your guns. Couchbunker is just begging to be your 40-rifle, living room gun safe. The handy arm straps can stop bullets up to a .44 Magnum ...
A Great Bar Trick - Levitating Matchsticks (Video)
Everyone's played with some matches before, but if you're not careful you could end up burning down a place. But what if you're just trying to show off some tricks? Here's one cool one. A levitation trick. Grant Thomspon shows off a levitating mat...
You Don't Need Two Hands To Tell The Time With This Clock
There are a few who are bad at reading analog clocks. If you're one of those, then you'll like this one. Industrial designer Sabrina Fossi created the "FreakishCLOCK", which only has one hand, but comes with a slotted cover that turns behind it, blo...
Coca Cola Is Part of a 'Healthy Lifestyle', According To Their Latest Ad
This ad for Coca Cola advises drinking the soda isn't unhealthy at all, instead it's part of a wholesome healthy lifestyle your grandfather enjoyed. The ad, airing in the UK, is called "Grandpa (Living a Healthy Lifestyle)" and is set to Tom Jones...
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