A guy's pad is most often the litmus test for women to decide if they are the perfect mate. It can go from everything is great with this dude, until she sees how messed up your place is. There are a lot of things in your apartment that are more of turn-offs than turn-ons. Here are a couple of simple things you can do to swank it up.

1. Don't leave clothing everywhere.


One huge turnoff is seeing someone treat their entire home like a laundry basket. Put your clothes where they belong. Dirty ones in the laundry. The ones you still want to wear - on a rack.

2. Make sure the place smells nice.


Guys have guy-B.O. You might want to use scented candles or a spray to freshen up the smell of any room.

3. Have curtains.


But not for this purpose.

Curtains act character, and it will also block out unnecessary light. Plus you'll sleep better too.

5. Have trashcans everywhere.


The trash doesn't have legs. So get one and put them in strategic places around your place. Seeing rubbish all over a place is a major turnoff.

6. Make sure your toilet is working.


Not being able to flush, or a toilet that is overflowing sucks. That said, ensure you don't have that problem. And if you do, fix it immediately.

7. Have a supply of clean towels.


Your towel doesn't get cleaner every time you get out of the bath. Change it as often as possible. And have a stash of clean ones around.

8. Buy shampoo, conditioner and some facial wash.


Say you've got a lady friend coming over and wants to spend the night. Don't expect her to bring all her toiletries with her. Seeing there's an abundance of cleaning products will also help you score points, since it will suggest you actually care about hygiene.

9. Don't leave your kitchen in a mess.


Most people procrastinate washing the dishes. Or just simply leaving shit around the kitchen till it piles up. Don't wait. Do it immediately. It's always nicer to have a tidy kitchen.

10. Have a lamp or two around.


Lamps add character, but if your place isn't big enough, then find one that isn't too big. Overhead lighting can be unflattering light, and a light from a lamp can give off a warm glow making your place a tad bit cozier.

11. Decorate the place.


Don't leave the walls of your place blank. It looks so sterile when you do. Decorate it with your own style. Hang pictures, posters, art, and whatever to make you feel really at home.

12. Clean up at twice a week.


Create a routine and schedule to clean your place up. This means tidying up the whole place. Mess is inevitable, but the least you can do is curb it from getting to a point of no-return.

13. Make your bed.


Making your bed is a good habit to have. Don't wait. Plus, if you have a friend coming over, wouldn't it be more attractive to get into a made bed than a messy one?