When the decision is made to divorce, it will irrevocably change the lives of each parent and most importantly, the children involved. While this change can be tumultuous, creating a solid parenting plan  can help to create some stability as well as define roles, visitation schedules, financial obligations and the like. Fortunately, the State of Florida recognizes the importance of implementing a parenting plan and requires one in all divorce and/or custody battles. 


No matter the circumstance, the family court system is mostly concerned with the wellbeing of the child. If you are currently faced with the prospect of divorce in Miami, it is recommended that you schedule a free consultation with an experienced attorney as soon as possible. Below, you will learn more about the makings of a strong parenting plan  as well as how custody and parental rights are determined. 

What is a Parenting Plan Comprised of?
A solid parenting plan is comprised of a number of parenting responsibilities laid out in a written document. In the case that a parenting plan is not developed by the parents, the circuit court will make one for you; this is not typically favorable outcome for either parent. If you are finding it difficult to come to mutual agreements with the other parent, there are family law professionals in Miami, like the attorneys at Pazos Law Group, that are experienced with developing well crafted parenting plans that are fair and suit the best interest of the children involved. Listed below, you will find what factors are typically included within a strong parenting plan. 

1. Parental responsibilities and decision making authority
2. Schedules, time sharing and holiday visitations
3. Relocation plans as well as communication strategies and expectations
4. Information sharing (health, educational, financial, etc.)

Once a parenting plan is in place, it is a legally binding document. Not adhering to the plan can result in losing some or all of your parental rights in certain circumstances. 

How Custody Rights Are Determined
Before the parenting plan is developed custody must be determined. It is important to note that Florida makes all of it’s custody decisions based on what is in the best interest of the child. This typically results in joint custody as it is within a child’s rights to spend time with both parents equally. A parenting plan will not be recognized by the Florida court system if both parents do not have legal rights to the child.  If you are unwed parents, it is important for the biological father to prove paternity and petition for their legal rights.
When To Contact a Divorce Lawyer in Miami 
While there are many factors to consider during a divorce; implementing a solid parenting plan is one of the more important. Working with a family lawyer in Miami can help both parties to compromise and develop a plan that is fair and in the best interest of the children involved in the divorce. During a time of confusion, a solid parenting plan can help to make the transition from marriage to divorce easier for the children as well as the parents. In addition, if you have already created a parenting plan and the other parent is not holding up their end of the bargain, it may be helpful to elicit the services of an experienced divorce lawyer in Miami.