Hear us out: chores must remain even if we hate them. We know, It feels like the content creation itself is a wild process surrounded by crazy ideas but there's a big “but” coming. 

Ideally, we should be able to create content in the perfect flow of unstoppable inspiration. 

Procrastination wouldn't agree with it. Not all of us can come up with something new all the time. Most need help, but better to call it self-help. Ridiculously, without being bored, it's almost impossible to keep going in the creative industry for a long time. 

We feel like it's our destiny to show content creators why routine matters and how to establish the one very perfect for you! 


A Proof that Routine is a Must-Have out of all Must-Haves

Routine in this context doesn't mean doing anything related to your job. In the workflow, you can set up a routine using many CRM tools, mind maps, or standard Google Spreadsheets, as well as involving more advanced decisions provided by developers like Hubspot, Goviral.Pro, or Squarespace

But the main idea of this article differs. 

When we mention the routine, we mean the one that makes us people. That makes us wake up every morning and not scroll through TikTok because we forgot how to waste our time differently. 

When we blindly consume content, unfortunately, our brain isn't resting. It's so overwhelmed by the ideas of famous influencers (that have huge teams working for them) that we stop our creativity from doing its job. 

To simply put it, we, as content creators, need a routine because- 

It bores us; boredom is the strongest weapon for the brightest ideas 
It calms us; choosing a routine that doesn't involve any stress helps us to gather thoughts together and stop worrying about what doesn't matter
It makes our brain look for engagement; social media are killing it in us, but with a routine, we actually can back the ability of the brain to think 

Basic but Critical to Try Ideas for Your Creative Routine

All creators have different routines. We recommend you to use them as a reference but they are not a turnkey solution that will work perfectly for you. 

We all are unique, we have different circadian rhythms, needs, families, and so on. For example, the routine of Haruki Murakami is absolutely extreme. Most creators who must think of something but writing will just drain themselves with it. 

Here are some ideas that may work for you- 

1. Wake up at 5AM 
2. Make the bed after waking up
3. Eat breakfast every day
4. Go for a run in the mornings 
5. Read a book before sleep 

One more ultimate idea for you is to plan something nice after a long working day. When you have something to look forward to, time goes by very fast (and very productive). 

Anyway, the routine you choose depends only on you! Good luck with finding the best solution that will help your creativity to remain.