Watch This Stunning GoPro Video of a SpaceX Rocket Piece Falling Back to Earth [VIDEO]
Not all great GoPro videos involve extreme sports. Sometimes, it just involves some oddly peaceful looking videos, like this one here. This is a real-time glimpse of our planet, and watching the rocket float and fall back to Earth is oddly satisfyin...
11 Elon Musk Words of Wisdom You Should Know
Elon Musk is the guy who co-founded PayPal, leads both SpaceX and Tesla, and he's recently released plans for a fast-and-cheap transportation system called Hyperloop.. He basically specializes in creating things that look like something out of a sci...
The World's First Space Airport is Almost Ready
The world's first commercial Spaceport has a 12,000-foot runway called a "spaceway", that handles takeoffs and landings of its first tenant space airline, Virgin Galactic. This galactic airport is over 18,000 acres and it's getting ready to open. It...
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