Here's A Bunch Of Sh*t That Nerds Will Never Say [VIDEO]
Because clearly, we all want to know. This latest video by Bill Scurry and Kevin Maher filmed at the 2013 NY Comic Con features the kind of stuff you'll never hear coming out of a nerd's mouth.
R2D2 Is Big Pimpin'
Sad to say, but one of the most beloved Star Wars characters has decided to join the dark side by becoming a pimp. Little Pimp2-D2 here is produced by Manly Art. His pimp uniform includes the classic cape, giant hat, gold accessories and a bitchin...
Eat Your Dinner With No Side Order Of iPhone Please
How often do you check your smartphone throughout the day? And at dinner? It seems that the trend of doing so is so prevalent these days. Is this part of a FOMO phenomenon? Krishna Sadasivam of PC Weenies points out that the dinner table should be r...
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