The Magic Piano Viral Video is Apparently Fake, According to Reddit [VIDEO]
The Christmas viral video that shows passers-by interacting with a remote controlled piano is apparently fake, according to Reddit users. They say that the passers-by are played by actors. YouTuber RobBlissCreative uploaded a video called "Chicago'...
David Blaine is Breaking Badass [VIDEO]
To promote the new magic special David Blaine: Real or Magic, the street magician decided to perform (what else?) a mysterious magic card trick for the famous Breaking Bad duo Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul. And suffice to say, the two were astound...
A Great Bar Trick - Levitating Matchsticks (Video)
Everyone's played with some matches before, but if you're not careful you could end up burning down a place. But what if you're just trying to show off some tricks? Here's one cool one. A levitation trick. Grant Thomspon shows off a levitating mat...
Win Easy Money With These Even Easier Bets (Video)
In this latest episode from Richard Wiseman of Quirkology, the master of bets shares a few new tricks that will get your friends to give you their money. And be sure to check out the previous episodes in the clips below so that you'll never lose a...
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