Try These 5 Tricks With Dry Ice (Video)
Got some dry ice and want to try something cool with it? Grant Thompson, is back with some household fun, and he cooked up five different pranks and tricks you can easily pull off. Check it out in the video below: [Grant Thompson]
Horrible Beekeeper Prank Is Just Horrible (Video)
Only a person who suffers from melissophobia will probably be able to understand why this prank is not at all funny. But for the rest of the fearless, bee-loving viewers, its a good reminder on how much running you need to practice in order to get...
Almost Upside Down Prank Is Epic. Watch It Here
Talk about pranks. This one is probably the best we've seen in a long time. Dutch filmmaker Tobias Mathijsen made a pink bedroom prank this year. This time, he turns his teenage brother's room 90 degrees. The prank comes a year after the filmmaker...
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