Guy Takes a Bath in 1,500 Gallon Coca-Cola Swimming Pool
A big wtf indeed. Is this even safe?
Coke's New Ad "Brotherly Love" Will Make You Tear Up
Anyone who has a brother will understand this relationship well enough. Coke's ad will probably make you shed a tear or two. Check it out:
The Surprising Thing That Happens When You Mix Coke and Bleach
What happens if you mix Coke and Bleach together? What will happen? The Crazy Russian Hacker is back and had the insane idea to see what would happen if he did so. And this is what happened.
Cokebacca, One More Random Object That Sounds Like Chewbacca
How do you make Chewbacca sounds? You don't have to look any further than a can of Coke. Watch as his infamous growls are replicated by pushing a can of coke around.
What Do You Think Happens After You Drink a Can of Coke?
This infographic will show what happens to a person over the first hour after drinking a single can of Coke. Doesn't sound like it's going to be bad, but brace yourself for it. The short story is: dramatic insulin burst. The longer story: [via]
Coke Zero's Ad is Genius: Drinkable Billboards [VIDEO]
How do you make someone thirsty via advertising? You do what Coke Zero did: they made drinkable billboards. Basically, people can interact with them by 'drinking' Coke Zero, and it'll reflect on their interactive billboards. Brilliant use of medium...
Holding a Coke With Your Boobs Challenge is a Real Thing Now [NSFW]
A new Internet challenge has been issued, and a lot of women are taking part in it. It's also going viral for obvious reasons. The aim is not just to show that boobs can hold things but also to benefit cancer research in the form of raising awarenes...
Watch This Guy Put Coke and Mentos in His Mouth and a Tape to Cover It [VIDEO]
Everyone knows the calamity involved when you mix Coke and Mentos together. So this crazy guy decided to do the unthinkable: put the two in his mouth and cover it up with tape. What will happen? Pretty crazy, but harmless we're sure. Watch the vide...
Check Out The Unusual Facts About Diet Coke [VIDEO]
Diet Coke is more than just a drink. It's got some tricks up its sleeves, and here's a video exposing all of them. They're actually pretty fun to experiment on your own. Check it out: For example, did you know your can of Diet Coke will float versu...
What Would Happen if You Drank 10 Cokes a Day For a Month [VIDEO]
You shouldn't be drinking so much soda, but what if that's the only thing you drank? What would happen to your body if you did that? George Prior is flirting with death, because he decided to document himself doing just that. Here he is at day one:...
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