This British Commando Grandpa Demonstrates How To Properly Use a Knife
In self defense of course! This grandpa survived WWII, and he's now making a video to show you how to use one properly. And for the love of all living things, do not attempt this on someone else.
This Chinese Chef's Knife Skills Are Insane and Mesmerizing To Watch
Knife skills don't get any better than this. And you can actually watch and enjoy this chef's mastery in it too. Check out the video below. It might just be better than...the food itself.
Watch How This Japanese Master Restore a Rusted Blade into a Shiny Knife
Can rusty knives be restored back to its original shiny form? This Japanese sharpening master did just that with a knife that looked like it had seen better days. Check out the whole process below:
Never Ever Pole Your Phone Battery With a Knife. Never. [VIDEO]
In case you were wondering, you should never ever poke your phone battery with a knife. Just don't do it. Even if you're curious. Don't. Some guy decided that curiosity was a good thing and went ahead with the plan, only to find this happening next....
The Worst Job Ever: Knife Thrower's Assistant Almost Dies on TV [VIDEO]
If you can't find a job, don't do this one even for the sake of some cash. It might not be worth it. An incompetent knife thrower risks his partner's life on live TV when he just can't seem to get things right. Sounds like a nightmare! Here are the ...
How To Make A Fire With A Knife [VIDEO]
Are you an outdoors kind of guy? If so, you'll want to watch this video. It is really useful. Did you know you could make fire with your knife? All you need is a fixed-blade survival knife or very strong folding knife. A ferro rod or similar unbre...
Guys Throwing Knives at Each Other Will Make You Cringe
Freddie Wong of Rocket Jump and his friends pull off some knife stunts in this new video. They throw knives around and pin apples to walls and stuff, while you cringe as you watch. But of course the boys were never in any real danger, as the tric...
This Knife Will Know How to Float in Water
Spanish design company Baladéo made the "It Floats" pocket knife and keyring and it sells for $25. The knife will basically stay buoyant, weighs less than two ounces and its shaft is made out of cork to do all that floating business. Check out anot...
Funny Sketch Reveals The Real Story Behind Your Favourite Classical Paintings [VIDEO]
Made by animators Doug Bayne, Ben Baker and Trudy Cooper, this clip features short animations from an Australian sketch show called "The Elegant Gentleman’s Guide to Knife Fighting."
The Best Utensil Ever? The Fork & Knife Chopsticks (Video)
Different types of food require different utensils. But if there were one that could be use for everything. This is the Fork & Knife Chopstick. Obviously, it is in need of a better name, like FKC or something. It's a fork and a knife at its bas...
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