What Are The 3 Types of Microwave Ovens?
Microwaves are inevitable appliances that can cook, reheat, grill and even bake. Such an electrical device works by transmitting microwaves that vibrate water molecules inside your food items to raise their temperature. But, choosing one of the best...
Are You Planning To Implement Microlearning In Corporate Training? Know-How!
Over the years, employees have shown immense ability to develop new skills and uniquely acquire knowledge. Technology has played a significant role in achieving this. It has made a considerable impact on our potential to train and learn new concepts...
16 Sad Confessions From People Who Suffer From a Micropenis
The term micropenis isn't a made up one. It's a condition where someone has an unusually small penis. It is at least 2.5 standard deviations smaller than the mean human penis size. And that alone, can be quite a blow to a man's ego, pride, and even ...
Microsoft's "How Old Do I Look" App Guesses Marvel Characters' Age
Everyone loves a good viral app, and this one is making the rounds: Microsoft's 'How Old Do I Look' app. The software giant's latest analysis tool How-Old.net lets you upload a photo and analyzes how old you look. Here's how old it thought some Marv...
Frisbee Player Throws A Pizza Into A Microwave From 20 Meters Away [VIDEO]
How good are you at throwing Frisbees? If you're this professional Frisbee thrower, then you might just be able to pull of a stunt like this: he threw a pizza into a microwave from 20 meters away! The things you do in Japan: Check out the amazing f...
How The Internet Reacted to Windows Jumping From 8 to 10, Skipping 9 [VIDEO]
Are you baffled as to why Microsoft decided to just skip version 9 and jump straight to 10? Yes. So is the rest of the Internet. Here's how the Internet reacted to their decision to skip Windows 9 and go straight to Windows 10. It's confusing! Che...
Top 20 Reasons That Will Make You Wish You Owned a Microwave Right Now
Microwaves aren't just designed for lazy bachelors to heat up their prepackaged dinners. Below are some amazing life hacks that can be used with microwaves. If anything, these hacks will make your single and lonely life just a little bit easier... ...
Microsoft Office's Annoying 'Clippy' Assistant Returns For April Fools
Remember Clippy, the annoying little paperclip that would offers tips and advice whenever you opened up a document on Microsoft Office? What if Clippy had a go on Office.com?As part of an April Fools' Day prank, users who logged into their free Offi...
This Tiny NYC Apartment is Selling For Almost $1 Million
Treehugger founder Graham Hill designed a high-tech microdwelling apartment that met all his needs in a very tiny room. The price tag on this right now is $995,000. Its size? 420 square feet. Why is it selling for so much? The reason behind it is be...
Microsoft's Steve Ballmer Now Finds it Weird to Go to Work
On Thursday, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer spoke openly about how it feels like to be leaving the company. "It's a little weird for me, to come to work and have it known," that he's leaving, he said during Microsoft's annual analyst meeting in Bellevu...
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