The Significance of the Chef's Uniform
It is a well-known fact that a professional kitchen is probably one of the most stressful and fast-paced environments in which to work. You've seen it before - scenes of a frantic kitchen with cutting, peeling, frying, screaming and even the odd fir...
Check Out The Evolution of Captain America's Uniform
Captain America has gone through quite a bit of evolution. His uniform has gone from simple to complex, to super classy. Here's taking a look at all the changes he's had to go through. And it looks like he's staying chic for the times. Check it out!...
Victoria's Secret Angels Play Football for The Super Bowl [VIDEO]
The Angels suit up this time to play some football, though this is hardly anything you'd expect coming from Victoria's Secret. Watch them play the game.Uniforms look a whole lot better on them:
Thai Schoolgirl Uniforms Are Getting More Famous Than Japanese Ones
The Japanese schoolgirl uniform isn't all the rage like it used to be today. These days, people are preferring Thai schoolgirl uniforms instead. Erm, what? They were apparently voted as "Sexiest School Uniform" by a Japanese poll in 2012. Online ret...
Taiwan's New Special Forces Uniforms Are As Badass As It Gets
This looks like some black ops army uniform or a bunch of hired assassins with some heavy artillery. Taiwan's Special Forces' new uniforms look menacing. But is their vision restricted because of that mask? The Kevlar ballistics masks measure 11.2 i...
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