Recent survey suggested that more than 170 million unique people prefer making their purchases with amazon over any other store in just one month with their net revenue totalling more than 100 billion dollars. These numbers are more than any individual seller could attain in their entire lifetime which makes it very obvious that all retailers and sellers should be selling their products on amazon. 

Amazon has itself became a case study for many people across the globe because of how much trust it has established as the number one online shopping place in the entire world. 


By listing their products on amazon not only do have access to sell their products to 300 million active and 170 million unique customers, but they also gain credibility and trust in the eyes of their customers. People are much more likely to buy a new product from amazon rather than buying it from the online store of that product. 

Amazon makes it very easier for one to sell their products internationally. Even the most advanced ecommerce software magenta does not have the ability to automatically convert languages based on the country the customer is shopping from. One can start selling on amazon with no significant marketing costs whatsoever.

The major success of amazon these days can be traced to their FBA service. FBA which stands for fulfilment by amazon allows their sellers to get various delivery options like one day or two day delivery options and best technically skilled customer service so sellers can increase their sales at a much higher rate. 

Most of the customers are eager to get their hands on their products faster, so if they can get the product within a day, there will be tons of more customers. All a seller has to do is enrol for the amazon FBA service. They have to send the products to the nearest amazon fulfilment centre after properly getting it FBA prepped by one of many options like leelinesourcing fba sourcing service in china.

FBA prep is the complete process of packaging and labelling the products before it is finally delivered to the customer. This process may also include inspection part when it comes to international shipping of the products for obvious security reasons. One cannot just stuff the product in a cardboard box and called it FBA prepped, infect it is a very technical process with complete rules and procedures for each type of product. 

Lot of things has to be before one can send their product to the amazon for them to deliver it to the customer. One can get FBA prep done in three ways. The first way of doing the FBA prep is that selling can do it by themselves. The second way is that sellers can pay the amazon to do it for them which is the most costly method of FBA prepping out of all three. The third is the best method is to outsource the work to the third party companies which charge price much lower than what amazon charges. One can use leelinesourcing fba sourcing service in china.