
Every year, thousands of Kiwis set off on their family holiday, destined for beaches, rivers, and family baches. Some also like to rough it in tents, while others prefer “glamping” in the comfort of their camper or caravan. 

While the way you camp may differ from other holidaymakers, many of you share one thing in common: you use portable gas appliances. Whether you’re trying to keep warm on a frosty night in your camper, or you’re cooking up a storm, you’re likely to use portable LPG appliances to make it happen. When was the last time you took any of those items to a gas fitting specialist? 

Gas appliances are some of the most convenient in a camping and outdoor situation, but they can also be exceptionally dangerous. If you’re dusting off an old LPG bottle or appliance, it’s crucial that you take it to a gasfitting specialist to make sure it’s safe to use. If you don’t, the consequences can be severe. 

Before You Set Off on Holiday
There’s always much to do when you go on holiday. You have to make sure the kids have packed more than their favourite toys, and you have to pack enough food and beverages to keep everyone happy. Get into the habit of checking all your gas appliances as well - especially in a motorhome or caravan. 

Ask your local gasfitting expert to check out your plastic and rubber seals, burner jets and vents, and the appliances for rust and corrosion. It’s also crucial to check the hoses for any cracks, fraying, splits, or signs that they may be brittle. 

Even copper tubing may need an eagle eye, making sure they all have the right fixtures and clips and ensuring they are corrosion-free without any kinks or dents. Failure to check all of these things before you start using your appliances could result in improper function or leakages. Leakages can lead to carbon monoxide poisoning, which can be deadly. 

Up to Date 
Nothing stays current forever, including your gas appliances in your motorhome or caravan. If you’re getting ready for your annual holiday, make sure you let a qualified gasfitting expert check everything out.

Gasfitting is not something you can do yourself. Any gasfitting alterations or installations must be carried out by a licensed gasfitter. What’s more, any installations or adjustments must comply with the industry standards. 

All your space heaters, cookers, and water heaters must be installed correctly with proper ventilation and flues. If you have a balanced-flue or room-sealed installation, the combustion elements should not lead to your living or sleeping area.

When your gasfitting expert carries out a thorough inspection and installation, you will get a Certificate of Compliance and Gas Safety Certificate. These are paramount to ensuring the safety of the gas appliances you will use. 

I Smell Gas, What Do I Do? 
Never take it for granted that your portable gas appliances will always work as they should. Age, travel, use, and a lack of maintenance can result in failures. If you ever smell gas, feel sick, or start to get a headache when you use a gas appliance, act immediately.

Turn off the gas valve if you believe it’s safe to do so, and make sure everyone is away from the area. Turn off all your appliances and ventilate your motorhome or caravan thoroughly with all the windows and doors open. 

Do not use any switches or mobile phones until you’re a safe distance from your gas appliance or the air is clear. If it’s an emergency situation, call 111. If it’s not, get in touch with a licensed gasfitting expert to assess the appliance as soon as you can. 

The Best Way to Use an LPG Portable Heater 
LPG portable heaters are an excellent source of heat, but they also require a lot of care to ensure you and your family are safe. When you have the heater on, keep a window and door open for proper ventilation. Never use an unflued LPG heater in your motorhome, caravan, or a small room like a bedroom or bathroom. 

Keep children away from the heaters at all time and never leave them unintended. Under no circumstances should you take a nap or go to bed with the heater still running. Always remember to turn it off at the gas bottle and keep it away from anything flammable like clothing, bedding, and curtains. 

There’s no denying that LPG appliances add much convenience to a family holiday. They let you cook up a storm and keep your family warm. However, it’s crucial not to underestimate the dangers of LPG. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for use, maintain your gas appliances, and use a licensed gasfitting expert for maintenance, repairs, and installation. 

Author’s Bio 


My name is Theresa Le Roux, I am originally from Montreal, Canada but I have spent the last 5 years in beautiful New Zealand. I write Digital marketing articles for businesses that want a different perspective on subjects that are important to their content output. I regularly contribute articles to Clickthrough SEO Auckland. I am a diehard Game of Thrones fan with a passion for novels and live music! My career goal is to one day write a novel of my own. Connect me via email theresa@clickthrough.co.nz.