Fake it till you make it, right? Amy Cuddy's Ted Talk has a different idea: Fake it till you become it. The idea that perception makes such a huge difference has a lot of impact in our lives. Which is why people always want to portray that they're doing better, since success attracts success. So how do you make people believe you are that in just five seconds of meeting them?

First, you'll have to look the part. What you wear will significantly alter the way people think about you.


Men who were professionally dressed came off as more successful and were expected to make more money. So stop being a sloppy dresser.


A recent 2013 Turkish study revealed the type of dressing a man should wear exactly:

The man was rated more positively on all attributes apart from trustworthiness when pictured in the bespoke suit … On the evidence of this study it appears men may be advised to purchase clothing that is well‐tailored, as it can positively enhance the image they communicate to others.


So it all boils down to clothes?


You never or hardly ever see Harvey without a suit on.

Couple good dressing and grooming with powerful body language and you'll probably take over the world after that.
