If buildings could look like the Starship USS Enterprise, then this one here takes the cake. NetDragon Websoft's headquarters resembles just that. Its foudner Liu Dejian is the man for conceiving the idea and the corporate office.

The whole office is 260 meters long, 100 meters wide, and has six floors.


The view from the top shows how it looks exactly like the space ship:


Here's a schematic of the real USS Enterprise:


According to Wall Street Journal:

According to the company, executives didn’t make a building based on the Enterprise their first choice because much of it would have to be elevated. But one day, inspired by a poster for the franchise, they decided to put the giant ship on several columns, as if it had landed on the field for repairs.

Once NetDragon made its decision, it said, the company contacted U.S. media company CBS , which produces Star Trek, to secure the rights. “That was their first time dealing with issue like this and at first they thought that it was a joke,” said the company in an email.

Either way, it must be really fun to work here:


No word on whether it actually takes off or not.
