If you're looking to get laid and enjoy the time of your life, a funny guy might be your best bet. Go ahead, choose the guy who makes you laugh the most because science says that it's not rock-hard abs or chiseled good looks that drive a woman wild in the sack. It's a guy with a good sense of humor.

Researchers from the University of Albany surveyed some students to find the correlation to relationship satisfactory and a host of other things.


They found:

Perhaps most interesting for the purposes of this blog, a sense of humor was also a good predictor of sexual pleasure, Women with partners who had a great sense of humor enjoyed more orgasms and stronger ones as well. Women also reported that funny partners were more popular, more intelligent, more creative, and had better leadership skills than men who did not have a great sense of humor. Women also initiated more sex with men who have a great sense of humor, and had more sex with them in general (for good reason apparently). They also felt safer and more committed to their partner.

Which means, this guy:


And this guy below...probably better in bed than a lot of people.


What about this guy? Hmm..
