23 Unfortunate Ad Placements = Advertising FAIL
Not all ad placements are proper, and here are some examples of unfortunate placements. Could it have been avoided? Possibly. Except sometimes, it just can't be helped. Check out the 23 ads that failed in the list below:
'Tittygram,' a Russian Company, Will Sell Ad Space on Women's Boobs [WTF?]
We've seen all kinds of ads that use sex to sell, but this one Russian company is taking it to another level: they're offering businesses to pay to advertise their brand on women's breasts. Is this really a thing? What more, they've signed up dozens...
What Advertisements Really Look Like In Real-Life [VIDEO]
Advertisements are really like short films, only with promotional messages in it. Which is why what you see in an ad might not happen the same way if it were in real-life. Here's a video that explores what goes on in advertisements vs real-life. You...
Top 10 Epic Viral Marketing Videos
All these videos knocked the ball out of the park compared to your average ordinary "viral video". It has since brought a slice of fame to the companies that produced them. Watch them in the video below:
David Redon Remixes Vintage American Advertisements with Pop Icons
French artist David Redon has reworked new icons into some old ones, featuring the likes of Kanye West to Beyonce, Michael Jackson and Outkast. Here's his version of contemporary pop culture symbols across some old but familiar ones. Check out more ...
Watches Are Always Set To The Same Time In Watch Ads [VIDEO]
Here's an interesting observation that we've yet to confirm: Numberphile noticed an interesting trend in watch advertisements - they are always set to the same exact time. 10:10. Numberphile made a montage of watch ads to prove it. YouTuber Tom4816...
This Thai Commercial Will Send Tears Running Down Your Face Because It's Too Damn Good [VIDEO]
This three-minute ad from Thailand is so good, it comes with a face full of tears. It achieves what even movies can't make their audience do: getting them to feel. Like really feel. And the best part is that you'll expect everything as you watch i...
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