You spend nearly as much time at the office as you do at home, so your work environment should be something that makes you want to spend time in. Here are some apps for workspace renovations that might inspire you - and they're free!

MagicPlan (Android and iOS)


Taking measurements and drafting dimensions is tedious and mistake-prone. Use your smartphone or tablet camera to take dimensions of your space to generate a floor plan.

craftgawker (iOS)


Get inspired with crafty additions to your decor!

Paint Harmony (Android and $0.99 for iOS)


Although there are a few color sampling apps on the market, usually sponsored by a brand, Paint Harmony samples colors from your photographs and matches them with 57 brands of paint. They also take it a step further and let you test colors on photographs of your walls!

Handyman Calculator (Android)


You'll need to calculate how much your office revamp will cost, and this calculator helps do the math in many ways. You can crunch common numbers like feet and inches, and complex formulas like grass seed, mulch, drywall, and Ohm's law calculators.

Friend Trusted (Android and iOS)


If you need some help with renovations, consult Friend Trusted by snapping a photo of the situation with a description and get estimates for the work from professional handymen, landscapers, movers, maid services and more.