Here Are 20 Creative Resumes That Got People an Interview
Your goal before getting a job, is to get one foot in the door first. To do that, you'll need an impressive resume. But how do you ensure yours stands out from the crowd. After all, there must be hundreds of other applicants. What makes yours so special? Here are some 20 people who did it in a very different and creative manner, enough to get some attention. And an interview.
1. Dawn Siff's world's first Vine resume.
2. Brandon Kleinman's Facebook Album so that companies can see this when they stalk his profile.
3. Aaron Tsai's interactive resume to land a job as an animator. Check it out" onclick=";return false;">here.
4. A QR code on Victor Petit's resume will take you to his creative video.
5. Aaron Sachs created a Google+ Style resume.
6. Mike Freeman created a website where potential employers can book a meeting with him.
7. Alec Brownstein used Google Adwords to show his resume whenever advertising executives Googled their own names.
8. Alicia Lee created an entire website to get Instagram's attention.
9. Loren Burton created this resume for AirBnB.
10. Ben Wong used Slideshare for his resume.
11. Likeable started accepting Snapchats from applicants and this is what Brian Murphy sent them.
12. Craig Boute got an interview wtih Apple after they saw his resume.
13. Ed Hamilton used Google Maps to show off his skills.
14. Eric Gandhi's Google search-themed resume got him an interview.
15. Floyd Hayes left 3D printed heads after his interviews.
16. Josh Butler sold himself on eBay. Got 3 bids.
17. Mark Johnson used a pinboard on Pinterest as his resume.
18. Philippe Dubost's resume looks like a product page on Amazon.
19. Robby Leonardi created an interactive video game to serve as his resume.
20. Nira Murleh created a resume that looked like AirBnB's website to get their attention.
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