Is This the Most Efficient Cardboard Box Yet? [VIDEO]
A box is a box, and for people like you and me, as long as the damn thing performs its duties like open, shut, and store stuff, we're happy. But students Henry Wang and Chris Curro wanted a more efficient and resourceful cardboard box, so they cr...
Get Packing With These Cool Travel Hacks [VIDEO]
It's time to say goodbye to busted luggage and paying for excess baggage. This compact clip features Holiday Inn "Efficiency Engineer" Dave Hax demonstrating all the best tips for smart and efficient packing. Watch the magic unfold below:
Stand Up to Keep Your Meetings Short and On The Ball
You know how meetings can drag on forever, steer off topic, and waste precious time? Businessman Lin Wu suggests making your meetings a lot more efficient by forcing everyone to stand. The idea is that if you don't sit down, you can get things done ...
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