Dad Gets Baby Vomit On Head. Stays Super Duper Chill About It
Freddie Gibbs isn’t phased by anything at all. Not even when his baby pukes on his bald head. In fact, he's so chill, you'll want to be like Freddie. Come on. Be like Freddie.
Kanye West vs. Freddie Mercury in Bohemian Rhapsody [VIDEO]
The question of 'who performed it better' shouldn't even exist because Freddie Mercury will win anytime of the day when it comes to his performance to Bohemian Rhapsody. But Kanye went ahead to pay tribute by performing that at Glastonbury. Here's h...
Jimmy Kimmel And Freddie Wong Get Into a Tie Fight [VIDEO]
Jimmy Kmimel bumped into Freddie Wong of Rocket Jump, but the encounter wasn't a very pleasant one. In fact, they had a bit of a tussle, and it's all because of a tie. Check out the hilarious video below: Watch Jimmy get angry. Watch the tie fight:...
Guys Throwing Knives at Each Other Will Make You Cringe
Freddie Wong of Rocket Jump and his friends pull off some knife stunts in this new video. They throw knives around and pin apples to walls and stuff, while you cringe as you watch. But of course the boys were never in any real danger, as the tric...
This is What Every Fighting Video Game Looks Like in Real Life
Everyone has played a fighting game in real life a bunch of times, especially video gamers who've been on Street Fighter, or Mortal Combat. So Freddie W decided to demonstrate what happens every time people play a fighting game in real life. “Wai...
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